

21 mths - Dec'09 happenings

21 mths - My first Tiffany
07.12.2009 - One of Mommy’s lucky draws items from her company Christmas lunch. It was Tiffany Bunny Bank in earthenware with hand-painted pink polka dots.
21 mths - Popo’s bday
12.12.2009 - An interesting day. We went to watch “The Jungle Book” by Little Company during the day and celebrated Popo’s birthday at Ju Shin Jung, quite a child friendly Korean restaurant.
The play was entertaining and teaches us to stay calm, think and plan before action.
I had my first attempt on Korean food; not used to the taste.
Table full of yummy side dishes
Having fun at it’s indoor playground
Me and the babies
21 mths - First Performance
06.12.2009 - The Year End graduation concert for the K2 and all of us has been practicing very hard for the past month. Mommy & Daddy have been looking forward for this; at the same time worried that I might sabotage the dance not only because I was the youngest toddler but also I was sick for a week before the concert. It all went well except twice when I walked out to pick up the microphone in front of the stage.
The Song is wo ai xi zao by Fan Xiao Xuan

20 mths – Making Sushi

14.11.2009 – Sushi roll~ sushi roll~ sushi roll is a healthy treat~
Observing the steps of making sushi Auntie Huijin hands-on the sushi rolls Me & Gonggong do nothing but eat… ;p The final products End with tasty homemade chawanmushi


19 mths - Halloween Party

30.10.09 – We are tasked to bring along a decorated bucket for sweets/choc exchange. I was dressed up as Jack o Lantern and we are supposed to have the tricks & treats session around the neighborhood at 6-7pm but it was raining heavily so end up having a mini celebration in cc. We do house visiting at Thomas’s place when the rain stop and it was eerily fun.
Decorating my bucket
The big patch on my left leg was the work of a mosquito bite Healthy raisins treat for my classmates Mummy having fun at the party Queuing up for goodies Checking out my goodie bag Nakeisha jiejie feed me juices In return I help her eat her dinner. Hehe… Thomas’s parent had put in a lot of effort in decorating their house.


18 mths - Sport’s Day

02.10.09 – For me to participate, Mommy needs to sign the consent form. Daddy was unable to take leave so Mommy, Popo & uncle Huihui came to support me. It’s a morning full of fun but pity Daddy was not here to share the fun.

Hold the bean bag and walked from point A to B

Balance the ping pong ball in a spoon and walked from point A to B

My energy drink! All of us are given a medal of participation even thought I stop after two games.